Members of UW–Madison’s boards of visitors serve as advisers to schools and colleges across campus. Recently, working with the Wisconsin Alumni Association, hundreds of these advisers signed this letter to the governor and state legislators …
Year: 2016
Blank warns that cuts are affecting quality
Speaking to a group of local educators, UW-Madison alumni and supporters in Lake Delton, Chancellor Rebecca Blank said that cuts to the University of Wisconsin System budget are beginning to affect the quality of the …
Blank, Mailick: Drop in research ranking spotlights need to reinvest
Chancellor Rebecca Blank and Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Marsha Mailick penned an editorial making the case for reinvestment in UW-Madison. Read the op-ed here.
Chancellor Blank delivers State of the University address
UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank gave her annual State of the University address to the Faculty Senate yesterday afternoon. Read her prepared remarks here. Audio of the address is available here.
Video: Campus Budget Forum
Chancellor Blank: After budget cuts, time for state to reinvest
Now is the time for the state to reinvest in its higher education system, University of Wisconsin–Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank told a crowd of about 100 students, staff, faculty and state legislators who attended a …
UW-Madison budget forum set for Sept. 14
The campus community is invited to be part of a discussion about the state budget and its impact on the University of Wisconsin–Madison in a forum on Wednesday, Sept. 14, from 3:30-5 p.m. at Gordon …
Cross urges support for budget proposal at La Crosse newspaper visit
In a visit with the editorial board of the La Crosse Tribune, UW System President Ray Cross said investment in the system in an investment in the future of Wisconsin. Read the article here.
Blank, Regents weigh in on System budget request
UW–Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank writes in her blog that the System budget request aligns well with the institution’s goals. “I’m happy to support this request, and I hope you will join our efforts over the next …
Regents approve 2020FWD, UW-System’s new strategic framework
The board voted unanimously Thursday to approve the plan. It provides strategic direction for the UW System in four key areas: the educational pipeline, the university experience, business and community mobilization, and operational excellence.