“A strong, healthy Universities of Wisconsin is essential for the success of the state of Wisconsin. UW-Madison, our state’s flagship educational institution, is a major economic driver all across our state, providing life-changing research and the knowledge and talent pipeline Wisconsin’s citizens and employers need.”
Budget news
Regents approve ‘Up to the Middle’ budget request
The $855 million request over two years would allow the state’s public universities to shed their ranking of 43rd of 50 states in public funding and reach the national median.
Engineering building, reciprocity changes receive final approval
Governor Tony Evers to signed into law a series of bipartisan bills that include state funding for a new College of Engineering building, much-needed campus infrastructure projects, and changes to the Wisconsin-Minnesota reciprocity agreement allowing …
Wisconsin business leaders and UW–Madison push for new engineering building with latest campaign
The University of Wisconsin–Madison, in partnership with business leaders and allies across the state, has launched a new campaign urging legislators to advance a new College of Engineering building. The new, state-of-the-art building promises to significantly boost …
UW leaders, governance discuss future of pay plan
University of Wisconsin–Madison leaders continue to meet with shared governance leaders to discuss the path forward for a pay plan for UW employees.
Chancellor Mnookin statement on employee pay raises
On Oct. 17, the Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JCOER) met to approve a pay plan for state employees and state collective bargaining agreements. JCOER approved raises for state employees, but excluded raises for Universities of Wisconsin employees. JCOER also did not vote on the tentative agreement with the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee (representing the UW–Madison Building Trades employees).
Wisconsin Tech Council issues resolution in support of new College of Engineering building
The Wisconsin Technology Council has delivered a letter to the state’s 132 legislators urging them to authorize full funding for UW-Madison’s College of Engineering building project. The letter lists multiple reasons for the urgent need …
Legislature withholds approval for new UW-Madison Engineering building
University of Wisconsin–Madison leaders are expressing disappointment in reaction to the state legislative Joint Finance Committee’s decision to again withhold approval of a new College of Engineering building.
Wisconsin business and economic development groups advocate for UW-Madison engineering building
A coalition of organizations representing Wisconsin employers, contractors, and economic development entities have come together to advocate for the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a new College of Engineering building.
Governor’s budget proposal includes new engineering building and needed infrastructure advancements across campus
Governor Tony Evers today introduced his proposed 2023-25 capital budget to legislators, enumerating a number of University of Wisconsin—Madison building projects in the next two fiscal years.